Thursday, October 27, 2011

FCC Shifts Subsidy Fund to Broadband

(Reuters) - Regulators agreed on Thursday to change an $8 billion national communications subsidy program to put more emphasis on providing high-speed Internet access to rural areas.
The Federal Communications Commission voted unanimously to shift roughly $4.5 billion spent annually to subsidize rural telephone service over to providing broadband in rural and costly-to-serve areas.


Saturday, October 15, 2011

"Bringing Broadband Infrastructure to Rural Areas: Where is the Progress?"

, Deputy Editor,

Thursday October 13th 2011 – As gears up for our panel on“Bringing Broadband Infrastructure to Rural Areas: Where is the Progress?” we have been taking some notes on the FCC’s efforts to reform the Universal Service Fund and listened in on Wednesday’s Senate Commerce Hearing on “Universal Service Reform – Bringing Broadband to All Americans.” Here is a summary of some of the talking points and some highlights from the hearing. 

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Monday, October 10, 2011

FCC Chairman Unveils Broadband Plan

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski on Thursday unveiled a plan that he said will help bring broadband service to the 18 million Americans who are currently without access.
Specifically, the plan would revamp the Universal Service Fund (USF) to include broadband. The USF is a government fund created in 1997 intended to provide all Americans with access to telecom services, as well as Internet service in schools and libraries.  Read the full article...